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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

$HOME is where .bashrc is

I have a con­fes­sion to make. For the last year or so, my main op­er­at­ing sys­tem has been Win­dows 7. Yes, I know, it may come as a shock to some, spe­cial­ly if you have read this which is my post that had most hits in a day ev­er.

How did that hap­pen? What hap­pened to me? What was I think­ing? It's a bor­ing and un­in­ter­est­ing sto­ry.

I joined Canon­i­cal. My old note­book would­n't cut it. My new one would not take Ubun­tu with­out a fight. I said "hey, I will live in a VM!". The VM was dead­ly slow. I had to de­vel­op win­dows soft­ware (yes). Some stuff would not work right on the VM. And slow­ly, things just start­ed pil­ing up in the bare-met­al OS, which was, yes Win­dows 7 Home Pre­mi­um.

As a whole, Win­dows 7 is not hor­ri­ble. Most things work well. What it is, is a desert for a de­vel­op­er. Sure, you can get a plant to grow there, but you have to put a lot of ef­fort in­to it.

So, to­day I in­stalled Kubun­tu Oneir­ic (ab­so­lute­ly no prob­lem now!), gath­ered all the da­ta from the old note­book, the VM, the win­dows in­stal­la­tion, delet­ed win­dows, and moved in­to Lin­ux again, and made Win­dows the VM.

I missed it.

marianoguerra / 2012-02-03 09:56:

me encanto el parrafo de windows 7 es no horrible :)

comparto el sentimiento en que es un OS decente pero para un desarrollador se extranian muchas cosas.

acerca del titulo, hace unos dias me mude a zsh principalmente para probar oh-my-zsh y te lo recomiendo.

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