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Cheatsheets: RST and Python

I nev­er re­mem­ber how to do foot­notes right us­ing Re­Struc­tured Tex­t.

If that, or some­thing sim­i­lar, hap­pens to you, get my rst cheat­sheet and print it, it's a two-sid­ed A4 page.

This is an ear­ly ver­sion, the left­-­hand col­umns need lots of love.

Al­so, you may want to take a look at this one-­page python cheat­sheet, too.

Both are cre­at­ed us­ing re­struc­tured text and rst2pdf, and li­censed un­der Cre­ative Com­mon­s.

I would love to see trans­la­tions to oth­er lan­guages. If you want to help, con­tact me!

André Roberge / 2009-09-16 16:38:

Very nice!

Nitpick: looking at the pdf, "emphasis" and "strong emphasis" examples do not appear to be working.

Roberto Alsina / 2009-09-16 16:50:

Looks like there is no Droid Sans Italic font :-(

I'll just go with arial for the moment.

Fixed in latest commit.

jjconti / 2009-09-16 23:06:

Exelente! es lo que necesitaba. No se rst y estoy queriendo usarlo cada vez más, pero me encuentro preguntándome cosas básicas como: cómo obtengo itálica? cómo hago un segundo nivel de bullets?

Roberto Alsina / 2009-09-16 23:27:

@juanjo las cosas como "alinear el segundo nivel de bullets con el texto del primero" son esas que se te hacen naturales... despues de un par de años :-D

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