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Pyjamas and Juno

I am cur­rent­ly in dire need of cre­at­ing a nice ad­min page for a LDAP ad­dress­book, which should do some slight­ly un­usu­al things with the da­ta (like ma­nip­u­lat­ing Post­fix's vir­tu­al table).

So, what the heck, let's al­so learn some­thing new while I'm at it. The vic­tim­s: Py­ja­mas and Juno.

Py­ja­mas is sort of a Python ver­sion of GWT and is blis­s. Fi­nal­ly I can code HTML and JS in python ;-)

And Juno is re­fresh­ing­ly sim­ple. Since the whole fron­tend is done by Py­ja­mas, all I need­ed is a way to route JSON­R­PC calls to python code and op­er­ate in the back­end.

So, here are two use­ful snip­pet­s:

# This decorator decodes JSONRPC arguments as sent by Pyjamas to
# Juno, and calls the target function with the decoded version.
def JSONRemote(target):
    def wrapper(web,*args,**kwargs):
        data = json.loads(postdata)
        id, method, params = data["id"],data["method"],[web,]+data["params"][1]
        return target(*params,**kwargs)
    return wrapper

Us­ing this, any plain juno method works as a JSON­R­PC method!

For ex­am­ple:

def list(web,startwith='*',method=None):
    except ldap.LDAPError, e:
    return resp

See? No JSON de­cod­ing. And no en­cod­ing ei­ther, be­cause I am cre­at­ing the re­sponse us­ing this:

# This class creates a correct JSON response from Juno as required by Pyjamas
class JSONResponse(JunoResponse):
    def __init__(self,result=None,error=None,id=None,code=200):

This is prob­a­bly not a great im­ple­men­ta­tion but it's good enough for me right now.

Ibn Saeed / 2009-04-26 22:39:


Just wanted to highlight the meaning of Pyjama

Pajamas, also spelled pyjamas can refer to several related types of clothing. The original paijama are loose, lightweight trousers fitted with drawstring waistbands and worn in South and West Asia by both sexes.[1] In many English-speaking nations, pajamas are loose-fitting, two-piece garments derived from the original garment and worn chiefly for sleeping,[2] but sometimes also for lounging,[3] also by both sexes.[4] More generally, pajamas may refer to several garments, for both daywear and nightwear, derived from traditional pyjamas and involving variations of style and material.

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