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uRSSus 0.2.11 is out!

Since I did some neat cod­ing on it yes­ter­day and to­day, I de­cid­ed it was a good mo­ment to re­lease uRSSus 0.2.11 in­to the wild.

It does­n't look much dif­fer­ent from 0.2.9 but it works much, much bet­ter.

Gone are the crazy dis­ap­pear­ing/du­pli­cate feeds when drag­ging/­drop­ping in the feed tree.

Gone is the bro­ken up­date sched­uler, and now feeds up­date smooth­ly.

Gone are the in­con­sis­tent dis­plays (like All feeds <> Un­read item­s)

Gone is the CPU guz­zling

Gone seems to be the DB lock­ing and IO churn­ing.

Sad­ly, gone is the DB schema mi­gra­tion be­cause I can't get miruku to work with cur­rent alche­my/mi­grate/Elixir. Since I don't re­mem­ber if the DB schema changed since 0.2.9 this may be bad ... or not. Back­up, friend­s. Ex­port to OPML and back. What­ev­er, this is al­pha stuff ;-)

So, head to the uRSSus home­page and take a look. Maybe you will like it!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina