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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

rst2pdf: release fever!

I did a re­lease yes­ter­day, and an­oth­er to­day of my rst-­to-pdf-with­out-la­tex tool. What's new? Here's an in­com­plete list:

New in 0,4

  • Fixed bul­let and item lists in­­­den­­ta­­tion/nest­ing.

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed ci­­ta­­tions

  • Work­ing links be­tween foot­notes and its re­f­er­ences

  • Jus­ti­­fi­­ca­­tion en­abled by de­­fault

  • Fixed ta­ble bug (de­­mo.txt works now)

  • Ti­­tle and au­thor sup­­port in PDF prop­er­ties

  • Sup­­port for doc­u­­ment ti­­tle in head­­er/­­foot­er

  • Cus­­tom page sizes in stylesheet

New in 0.3

  • Font em­bed­d­ing (use any True Type font in your PDF­s)

  • Syn­­tax high­­­lighter us­ing Pyg­­ments

  • User's man­u­al

  • Ex­ter­­nal/­­cus­­tom stylesheets

  • Sup­­port for page num­bers in head­­er/­­foot­er

Of course, since I said I would re­lease some­thing ev­ery fri­day, this means I need to find some­thing else to re­lease? ;-)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina