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Neat KDE style: Domino

To­day I was fid­dling with my desk­top and de­cid­ed to check what KDE styles were avail­able in Arch Lin­ux.

Then I test­ed Domi­no.

It's very, very, very nice.

domino.png domino2.png

I have no idea how good it is per­for­mance-­wise (my note­book is pret­ty brawny) but hey, I am a bor­ing guy, and I'm wowed.

suslik / 2007-05-08 00:51:

It's a very good looking style, but (after 2 hard attempts to stick with it) switched back to Polyaster.

- Does not allow tab font to change color (most painful in Konversation.)
- Observabley slower on near-1Ghz machines.

Other than that, an awesome thing.

centerered / 2007-05-08 10:37:

I like the centered tabs. It looks very neat like that.

Smarter / 2007-05-08 11:45:

It's cool but I still prefer the Kubuntu 7.04 appearance (polyester style + crystal for the windows decorations)

reverse lookup / 2011-11-14 19:44:

I just wanted to say thank you for this valuable information.

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