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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

What I am plotting...


Ok, here's what I have been do­ing:

  • Dad­dy work. Lots of it. Fun!

  • Ac­­tu­al work. Lots of it. Fun, but not so much!

  • Worked a lit­­tle more in RA-Flip. Play/Stop/­­Pause is done. The ed­it­ing mode and open­ing/sav­ing files is pret­­ty much done, so it will be ful­­ly func­­tion­al as soon as I can spend an af­ter­noon in it.

  • To­bo­­gan (My slideshow soft­­ware). It works nice­­ly. There are many rough spots and it needs a few fea­­tures:

    • Some way to ed­it the CSS for in­­­di­vid­u­al slides in a nice man­n­er. Like set­t­ing back­­­­­grounds and colours (and not much else)

    • A nice way to save the slideshow so it ends all in a sin­­­gle fold­er.

    • Many UI de­­­tails

    • Docs

    • A site

  • Bartle­Blog: it has worked well for me for a long while, since I have been post­ing this blog us­ing it. And re­al­­ly, it's a nice blog, is­n't it? ;-) But of course, there is stuff to be done:

    • Many UI de­­­tails

    • De­­­cent flickr and openo­my up­­­load­­­er­s/­­­man­agers

    • Some ex­­­tra gad­gets I have in mind

    • Docs

    • A site

And that's all I have in mind right now. Ex­cept maybe a graph­i­cal Be­funge in­ter­preter, but that's not re­al­ly im­por­tant ;-)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina