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Using TinyURL in python

Is­n't this neat?

import urllib

def makeTiny(url):

  return urllib.urlopen(url).read()

>>> makeTiny('')
derelm / 2007-04-24 21:20:

neat but not exactly correct. try opening the returned url in your browser and you see what i mean.

leave out the urlencode stuff and it'll work as intended.


Roberto Alsina / 2007-04-24 22:06:

Hmmm... without the urlencode stuff it works even worse:

And if you use just

So, there is obviously something wrong still.

derelm / 2007-05-03 11:58:

>>> import urllib
>>> API_URL = '
>>> #what i meant with my first comment
>>> #issues a GET
>>> def makeTiny1(url):
... return urllib.urlopen(API_URL + "?url=%s" % url).read()
>>> #issues a POST
>>> def makeTiny2(url):
... return urllib.urlopen(API_URL, urllib.urlencode({'url': url})).read()
>>> def expandTiny(url):
... return urllib.urlopen(url).url
>>> test_url = ""
>>> makeTiny1(test_url) == makeTiny2(test_url), expandTiny(makeTiny1(test_url))
(True, '')

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