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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Advogato post for 2000-03-06 23:27:31

First of all, that Rome MP3 thing is such a nice idea!

With that out of the way, the plan is work­ing. I man­aged not to touch a com­put­er on the week­end, and to do very lit­tle to­day. I must con­fess I fixed two bugs in KRN, but I did­n't com­mit ;-)

Oth­er than that, noth­ing has hap­pened that I would share here, this be­ing a di­ary ded­i­cat­ed to free soft­ware mus­ings, and on­ly marginal­ly per­son­al. I am al­most done through a Thomas Har­ris tour, though (from Red Drag­on to his lat­est).

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