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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Advogato post for 2000-01-19 16:05:45

First of all, thanks Raph for telling me how to do this again :-)

Busy cou­ple of days. Went to pick my cat to the place where she stays when I trav­el. Have you ev­er seen an an­gry cat? Not an­gry as in scratch­ing and bit­ing, but, well, I can tell she is mad at me.

Oth­er than that, back to the dai­ly job, thank­ful­ly not much to do, since ev­ery­one else is still on va­ca­tion.

On the free soft­ware side of things, I'm cod­ing a lot. I am fix­ing bugs in the "get ac­tive news­group" fea­ture of KRN. That was the first func­tion ev­er to work on the pro­gram, and ap­par­ent­ly, ac­cord­ing to the changel­og, I had not touched it since then!

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