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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Advogato post for 2000-01-17 17:19:57

Well, this is the first entry. I have wanted to keep a diary on a semi-public place for a while, I guess this is as good a moment to start as ny other.

I am a KDE de­vel­op­er, my most wide­ly known pro­gram be­ing KRN. Af­ter a long hia­tus I restart­ed de­vel­op­ment a cou­ple of months ago, af­ter I de­cid­ed the cur­rent state was a bit em­bar­ras­ing.

Don't get me wrong, I am not em­bar­rased by the pro­gram as a whole. Af­ter over a year of ze­ro de­vel­op­men­t, it is still one of the more ful­l-fea­tured GUI news­read­ers you can find, and I ba­si­cal­ly learnt C++ while writ­ing it (and it shows ;-)

So, now, af­ter re­turn­ing (a mere 5 hours ago) from my va­ca­tions (nice, beach, sun, etc.) I will try to hack 0.6.9 out as soon as pos­si­ble.

There are a lot of nice things al­ready done (how about "s­e­lect from Ar­ti­cle where Sender like "%@my-de­ja.­com%" and Date > (TO­DAY()-3)" ? And no, you don't need to in­stall MySQL for this to work!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina