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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website


So, this is 2013. Could have fooled me if you claimed it was 2012. I did a res­o­lu­tions post a year ago. How did it go?

  • I aimed to write a post a day. That was 366 post­s, and I failed mis­­er­ably. I did post 215 times, though, which is a heck of a lot.

  • I aimed at im­prov­ing at my work. I think I did do bet­ter for a while, and dipped a lit­­tle near year's end be­­cause of tired­­ness. I will give my­­self a pass there.

  • My health got bet­ter. I did lose some weight (although I re­­cov­­ered some of it) and my blood pres­­sure is look­ing good. My en­er­­gy lev­­els have im­proved.

  • My mar­riage is do­ing much bet­ter. Prob­a­bly hap­pi­est since 2008.

  • I did not get my teeth fixed be­­cause of in­­­sur­ance is­­sues. That should be ok af­ter march.

As bonus­es:

  • Took my mom to Paris.

  • Made some moves to achieve fi­­nan­­cial se­cu­ri­­ty in the far fu­­ture.

  • I gave the clos­ing con­fer­­ence at Py­­conAr

  • I re­­vived my free soft­­ware projects

So, not hor­ri­ble!

As for 2013:

  • Again, will try to get my mouth fixed.

  • Will try to lose much more weight.

  • I will aim for 200 post­s.

  • I will try to fi­­nal­­ly write a whole book.

  • I will have eye surgery to get rid of the glass­es.

We'll see how that goes.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina