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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website


So, this is 2012. Looks a lot like the pre­vi­ous mod­el. On the oth­er hand, there are go­ing to be some changes around here. For starter­s, I am go­ing to post. I am go­ing to post ev­ery day in 2012. In this blog. Here. In 2012. 366 post­s. At least.

Of course, this is wish­ful think­ing, it's just a new year's res­o­lu­tion, and those are, like ev­ery­thing, doomed to fail, to cor­rupt them­selves, to fall prey to ra­tio­nal­iza­tion, lat­est vic­tims of en­tropy and de­cay. Then again, so am I, and so are you, and it makes no sense to dwell in the sure fail­ure to come, and in­stead I should fo­cus on the cur­rent vic­to­ry. This is the first day of 2012 and I am, in­deed, post­ing to­day.

So, just to con­tra­dict my­self, which I will do ev­ery time it may be more fun than be­ing con­sis­tent with that mo­ron I was in the past, let's talk about my past year.

Pro­fes­sion­al­ly, 2011 was a re­al­ly big change, in that I stopped work­ing on my own com­pa­ny and start­ed (ok, that was in Dec 2009) work­ing for Canon­i­cal. It has been re­al­ly great in many ways, and not so great in oth­er­s.

Great: I work with peo­ple I re­al­ly like and re­spec­t. The work it­self is full of in­ter­est­ing chal­lenges.

Not Great: I have com­plete­ly aban­doned my free soft­ware pro­ject­s, which are bi­trot­ting.

Great: I have had the chance to vis­it three con­ti­nents, and have awe­some ex­pe­ri­ences.

Not Great: I have heard my kid cry on the phone about how he miss­es me. This year I may trav­el a bit less.

Great: Fi­nan­cial se­cu­ri­ty for me and my fam­i­ly.

Not Great: If I had to grade my per­for­mance in a 1-10 scale, I may give my­self a 6. I have lacked en­er­gy, and fo­cus. I have been dis­or­ga­nized and lazy. I will try to im­prove.

Great: we shipped prod­uc­t.

Not Great: we could have shipped bet­ter prod­uc­t. I will do my part to make it bet­ter in 2012.

What else has been go­ing on i my life in 2011? Well, my health is worse. I am fat­ter. I have been di­ag­nosed with a hor­mon­al im­bal­ance which may ac­count for some/­most/all of it, and I will be start­ing treat­ment this month. This may al­so be to blame for part of my hy­per­ten­sion, and for my abysmal lev­el of en­er­gy the last cou­ple of years.

I have put my mar­riage un­der a big strain, which I hope I can re­vert in 2012, since I re­al­ly love my wife, and want to make her hap­py.

I will get my mouth fixed this year. If you know me per­son­al­ly you may know what that mean­s. I have aw­ful teeth. I have nev­er fixed them be­cause of a per­haps un­der­stand­able fear of hav­ing peo­ple put sharp things in my mouth. But I want to be able to smile to my fam­i­ly, so I will get it fixed. (BTW: you have not seen a hon­est, un­think­ing smile from me in about 15 years. Suck­s, I know.)

How will I be able to do all these things? I don't know. I know I may not. I sus­pect I will not. I ex­pect I will not. I will not. But I will try. I will do what I can, and take the fall for what I can't.

But right now, I am fo­cus­ing on lit­tle bit­s. I am post­ing in this blog. 1 day down, 365 to go.

JT / 2012-01-01 19:52:

metas claras y voluntad! suerte ralsina! 

edvm / 2012-01-02 15:52:

Ponete las pilas chabal, que sos un pibe! 
un pibe de 4X ... pero un pibe al fin ! ^^

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