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Rst2pdf 0.93 released

A bit ahead of sche­du­le, I just uploaded ver­sion 0.93 of rs­t2­pdf a tool to con­vert res­truc­tu­red text in­to PDF fi­le­s.

He­re are so­me of the chan­ges in this ver­sio­n:

  • Fixed Is­­sue 447: Dou­­ble-­­si­­ded alwa­­ys sta­r­­ts on the ri­­ght (By Rob Lu­­dwi­­ck)

    • Re­­­mo­­­­­ved --­­­fi­r­s­­­t-­­­pa­­­ge-e­­­ven as it was not us­ed an­­­ywhe­­­re.

    • Added --­­­fi­r­s­­­t-­­­pa­­­ge-o­­­n-­­­ri­­­ght

  • Fixed Is­­sue 464: su­­pport ali­g­n­­ment via :cla­ss: in ima­­ge di­­re­c­­ti­­ve­s.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 482: Li­­ne blo­­­cks wi­­th in­­den­ted pa­r­­ts get ex­­tra­­neous spa­­cing

  • Fixed Is­­sue 470: Su­­pport for :ta­r­­ge­­t: in fi­­gu­­res.

  • New sty­­le "i­­ma­­ge" to be applied to ima­­ge di­­re­c­­ti­­ve­s.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 485: Be­­­tter sty­­ling su­­pport for fi­­gu­­res/i­­ma­­ges (s­­pa­­ce­­Be­­­fo­­­re/A­­fte­­r)

  • Su­­pport rs­­t2­­pdf [inf [ou­­tf]] syn­­tax to be mo­­­re co­m­­pa­­ti­­ble wi­­th rs­­t2*

  • Im­­ple­­men­ted Is­­sue 389: New --s­­tri­­p-e­­le­­men­­t-wi­­th-­­cla­ss op­­tion

  • Fixed Is­­sue 474: Ce­­ll­S­­ty­­le1 is not the­­re in re­­po­r­­tlab 2.6

  • Re­­mo­­­ved de­­fault pa­­dding from De­­la­­ye­­dTa­­ble, whi­­ch looked bad on hea­­de­r­s/­­foote­r­s.

  • Im­­pro­­­ve­­men­­ts to the ma­­th di­­re­c­­ti­­ve (font co­­­lor and si­­ze)

  • Be­­­tter su­­pport for sty­­ling li­­te­­ra­l­s.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 454 (S­­pli­­tting fai­­lu­­re)

  • Re­­gress­ed Is­­sue 374 (so­­­me li­­te­­ral blo­­­cks get overspli­­t)

  • Swi­­tched from sv­­glib to sv­­g2rlg

  • Re­­mo­­­ved uni­­co­n­­ve­r­­tor su­­pport

  • Fixed Is­­sue 477: Si­nk footno­­­te se­­pa­­ra­­tor (pa­­tch by ase­r­­ma­­x)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 473: Su­­pport "co­­­de" di­­re­c­­ti­­ve like an alias of co­­­de-­­blo­­­ck.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 472: Im­­ple­­men­ted MyI­­ma­­ge._un­­Res­­tri­c­­tSi­­ze

  • Fixed Is­­sue 471: Res­­pect cla­ss in li­­ne­­blo­­­cks.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 455: New pi­s­a/­­xh­t­­m­­l2­­pdf has ve­­ry di­­ffe­­rent im­­po­r­­ts

  • Ma­­rked Is­­sue 358 as fixe­­d.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 410: alwa­­ys in­­clu­­de fu­­ll li­­nes in co­­­de-­­blo­­­cks (m­­mue­­ller pa­­tch)

Citolino / 2012-12-18 21:22:

Awesome! Thanks a lot, Roberto!

Guest / 2012-12-19 05:54:

It's not on pypi - I get buildout errors.

Roberto Alsina / 2012-12-19 12:22:

It's there now!

Guest / 2012-12-19 10:19:

Are there any plans for a Python 3 version?

Roberto Alsina / 2012-12-19 12:22:

no concrete ones.

Guest / 2012-12-30 11:20:

Hmm, it seems that reportlab doesn't support Python 3 yet.

Roberto Alsina / 2012-12-30 13:20:

Then just no plans :-(

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