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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

La alegría del materialismo

So­lía ser que uno po­día de­cir "soy un es­toi­co" o un cí­ni­co, o un he­do­nis­ta, o lo que sea, y otros en­ten­de­ríam que es­ta­ba ex­pli­can­do los prin­ci­pios que ri­gen su vi­da.

¡U­na fi­lo­so­fía de vi­da! Uno po­día ele­gir del me­nú de los úl­ti­mos 3000 años de pen­sa­mien­to el que le pa­re­cía me­jo­r, y tra­tar de usar­lo co­mo un fa­ro pa­ra guiar­se por una vi­da (o­ja­lá) más o me­nos fe­li­z.

Hoy en día, la so­cie­dad pa­re­ce ha­ber re­cha­za­do esa idea, y lo más cer­cano que tie­ne la ma­yo­ría es una re­li­gió­n, si­guen lo que su sec­ta di­ce, o ateís­mo, de­fi­ni­do por re­cha­zo a to­da re­li­gió­n.

La ma­yor di­fe­ren­cia (se­gún veo) en­tre una fi­lo­so­fía de vi­da y una re­li­gión es que la re­li­gión im­pli­ca que los otros es­tán equi­vo­ca­do­s. Si no sos de mi sec­ta, no vas a es­tar en el cie­lo con­mi­go.

Si no com­par­tís mi fi­lo­so­fía... bue­no, su­pon­go que to­ma­rás de­ci­sio­nes di­fe­ren­tes a las que yo to­ma­ría en tu po­si­ció­n. Pe­ro si te sir­ve y no las­ti­ma a na­die... ¿qué me im­por­ta?

Así que acá es­tá mi fi­lo­so­fía de vi­da co­mo la ten­go ho­y. No es la de ayer y se­gu­ro no es la mis­ma de ma­ña­na.

De aho­ra en má­s, cuan­do di­go que "creo" en al­go, quie­re de­cir que "mi fi­lo­so­fía per­so­nal de vi­da im­pli­ca que si acep­to sus axio­mas bá­si­co­s, en­ton­ces me pa­re­ce que". Es­pe­ro que la ne­ce­si­dad del ata­jo sea ob­via.

Soy un ma­te­ria­lis­ta. Eso pro­ba­ble­men­te no quie­re de­cir lo que pen­sá­s, por lo me­nos no en es­te con­tex­to. Quie­re de­cir que no soy dua­lis­ta, ni es­pi­ri­tua­lis­ta, ni idea­lis­ta, ni vi­ta­lis­ta ni fe­no­me­na­lis­ta.

Lo que quie­re de­cir es que creo que la rea­li­dad es ma­te­ria­l. No acep­to que las co­sas in­ma­te­ria­les ten­gan al­gún ti­po de "rea­li­da­d". O al me­nos que su rea­li­dad si la po­seen ca­re­ce com­ple­ta­men­te de in­te­ré­s.

Eso sig­ni­fi­ca que no creo en al­mas ni es­píri­tus. Creo que el test de Tu­ring es una ma­ne­ra ra­zo­na­ble de sa­ber si al­guien es cons­cien­te. Creo que si un en­te ac­túa co­mo un hu­ma­no hay que tra­tar­lo co­mo ta­l. Creo que no soy in­trín­se­ca­men­te di­fe­ren­te de un ro­bot que pu­die­ra ha­cer to­do lo que ha­go.

Creo que el pro­pó­si­to de la vi­da es pa­sar­la bien. Creo que to­dos tie­nen tan­do de­re­cho co­mo yo a eso. Creo que par­te de pa­sar­la bien es es­tar ro­dea­do de gen­te fe­li­z. Creo que los que las­ti­man a los otros son un ba­jón y no de­be­ría­mos per­mi­tír­se­lo.

Creo en el pro­pó­si­to, y creo que yo in­ven­to y eli­jo los mío­s, y eso los ha­ce me­jo­res que si me fue­ran da­do­s. Creo en ser bue­no con los de­más por­que son to­do lo que ha­y.

Creo en apren­der por­que es­ta­mos ro­dea­dos de co­sas ma­ra­vi­llo­sas. Creo que los egip­cios api­la­ron un mon­tón de ro­cas pe­sa­da­s. Creo que Saturno es­tá bue­no. Creo que dar­le el mé­ri­to de esas co­sas a dio­ses o ex­tra­te­rres­tres es un in­sul­to a los egip­cios y no le aña­de na­da a Saturno.

Creo en ha­cer co­sas y en lu­char contra la en­tro­pía lo­ca­l. Creo que un fi­nal ase­gu­ra­do ha­ce me­jo­res y más va­lio­sas a las co­sas. Creo en el amor por­que sé que lo sien­to y es­tá bue­no.

Y bas­ta.

Mariano / 2010-11-11 03:54:

encontré un nombre para mis creencias!

LectorAnónimo / 2010-11-11 20:24:

Alsinismo? ;-P

Roberto Alsina / 2010-11-11 23:14:

Yo no inventé nada :-)

Bueno, excepto esta máquina del tiempo, pero siempre está descompuesta (me dicen en el depósito que el que la rompe soy yo, pero yo nunca voy!)

Carlos Cabrera / 2010-11-17 15:23:

Lo mismo digo yo, hasta ahora no sabía que lo mio tuviera un nombre. Pensé que era Cabrerismo a secas.

Łukasz Ka / 2010-11-11 16:28:

One word more ;)

"The main difference (as I see it) between a life philosophy and a religion is that a religion usually implies the others are wrong. If you are not of my sect, you will not be in heaven with me." - atheists say the same ;) It is not a domain of religion - it is a domain of people. Religion is an idea - not being. (//EDIT: the class, not instance nor object using it ;) ). The problem is closing your free (logical) minds for other ideas without knowing them. It is the same mistake which is made by all people.

"I believe the Turing test is a reasonable test for consciousness." - it is a test for intelligent, human-like behaviour. If you use mad-man in such a test, you can get strange results, but he will be "conscious". You are very wrong at this point.


So there... you believe in what all really religious people believe ;)

Roberto Alsina / 2010-11-11 23:16:

You may notice with some careful reading that in this post I am grouping atheism with religion so I don't think you are barking at the right tree here.

"I believe the Turing test is a reasonable test for consciousness." - it is a test for intelligent, human-like behaviour. If you use mad-man in such a test, you can get strange results, but he will be "conscious". You are very wrong at this point.

People who fail the Turing test are often sent to mental institutions and treated differently. We do use variants of the Turing test to decide how we treat people.

So there... you believe in what all really religious people believe ;)

You say that as if you had shown me something I believe in that religious people believe in too. Can you be a bit more specific?

Łukasz Ka / 2010-11-14 14:48:

"... I don't think you are barking at the right tree here."

I am not a dog.

"People who fail the Turing test are often sent to mental institutions and treated differently. We do use variants of the Turing test to decide how we treat people."

So they do not have self-consciousness if they fail Turing-test? N/C

"You say that as if you had shown me something I believe in that religious people believe in too. Can you be a bit more specific?"

Ex. "I believe in making things and fighting against local entropy." - if you didn't know it, you just don't know anything about religion.

Ok, really EOD. I am going to write some self-conscious application. I will call it "Alan"...

Roberto Alsina / 2010-11-14 15:05:

I am not a dog.

"To bark at the wrong tree" is just an expression, I am not calling you a dog. See here: http://idioms.thefreedictio...

So they do not have self-consciousness if they fail Turing-test? N/C

Nope. It's not a perfect test, it's not sufficient condition. But surely you are aware that there are mental competence tests that, which you fail, mean you are not, for example, deemed responsible for your own actions, or fit to take care of yourself.

"I believe in making things and fighting against local entropy." - if you didn't know it, you just don't know anything about religion.

You seem to believe all religions believe that. In fact many don't. It's strange, but you seem angry. I say it's strange because I have kept a polite and rational tone all along this "discussion". What's your problem with it?

Ok, really EOD.

And again, you act like I was forcing you to reluctantly comment.

I am going to write some self-conscious application. I will call it "Alan"...

Good luck with that, good coders have been trying for what, 60 years?

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