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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Using assistant from PyQt

The uRSSus doc is slow­ly grow­ing, so I hooked as­sis­tant to the UI. Not dif­fi­cult, but I have not seen it else­where.

Here's how:

As­sume the "Hand­book ac­tion" is called ac­tion_Hand­book. Set win­­sis­tant to None in __init__.

def on_action_Handbook_triggered(self, i=None):
    if i==None: return

    if not self.assistant or \
       not self.assistant.poll()==None:

        cmd="assistant -enableRemoteControl -collectionFile %s"%helpcoll
    self.assistant.stdin.write("SetSource qthelp://urssus/doc/handbook.html\n")

And that's it. Now I ned to fig­ure out con­text help.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina