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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

This friday will see a new rst2pdf release

Fol­low­ing my new pol­i­cy of one re­lease ev­ery fri­day, in 6 days you will see a rst2pdf re­lease. But not any re­lease: a great re­lease.

What will be new?

  • Sup­­port for page num­ber/­sec­­tion names/­sec­­tion num­bers in head­­ers and foot­er­s.

  • Cus­­tom in­­ter­pret­ed text roles (that means in­­­line styling ;-)

  • Stylesheets de­fined in ex­ter­­nal files. The syn­­tax is JSON which may look a bit strange, but it works great.

  • A Man­u­al!

  • Easy True Type font em­bed­d­ing.

  • May­be: syn­­tax high­­­light­ing di­rec­­tive via pyg­­ments. I know I could make it work us­ing the Im­age­­For­­mat­ter, but then you can't copy the code. There is a do­cu­til­s-sand­box project that does ex­ac­t­­ly what I wan­t.

I in­tend to call this re­lease 0.3.0, but maybe I will jump high­er, since there is not much more left to im­ple­men­t.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina