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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Advogato post for 2000-09-05 15:46:15

Ok, I am now sure of several things:

a) If you whine loud enough, you will get what you wan­t.

b) RMS is mak­ing up his in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the GPL as he goes

c) De­bian will still not ship KDE, be­cause now they be­lieve RM­S's strange idea that we need "for­give­ness". Ad­di­tion: I asked RMS where specif­i­cal­ly in the GPL it says any­thing about for­feit­ing right­s. Be­cause I sure can't find it :-P

All in al­l, a crap­py day for free soft­ware.

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