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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Niiiiiiice..... :-)

You can read my lat­est ar­ti­cle in viet­namese ... I think.

Too bad they re­moved my name from it. At least the link was kep­t. I am pret­ty lib­er­al re­gard­ing re­pro­duc­tion of what I post, but please:

  • Keep my name in it

  • Put a link back

  • Make changes clear

Cool Linux News Site

Do you miss the old Lin­ux­To­day.­com of 4,5 years ago? Do you miss the old of a 2 years ago?

Do you know what they had in com­mon? Dave Whitinger. Do you know what he's do­ing now?

Well, a Lin­ux news site!

It's http://www.lx­er.­com and it's re­al­ly re­al­ly good.

For one thing, un­like Lin­ux­To­day.­com, the page lay­out does­n't make you read the ar­ticels in a 2-inch strip be­tween 6 inch­es of ads and box­es ( But I still like Lin­ux­To­day, I just sub­mit­ted an ar­ti­cle there min­utes ago! :-)

The Linux Booting Process Unveiled

Af­ter a while with­out any orig­i­nal con­tent, here's a de­scrip­tion of the Lin­ux boot­ing process (Sys­temV vari­ant).

The idea was for it to be both sim­ple and com­pre­hen­sive. Let me know if it is­n't!

footnote test

First foot­note [1] Sec­ond foot­note [2]

Foot­notes weren't bro­ken, I was!


.. [#]


.. _[#]

And of course, you can on­ly do this if you dis­able chee­tah, which I had­n't done.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina