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Empress of Forever

Cover for Empress of Forever


Space op­er­a, but as in an opera cook­ie ... hard and crunchy in the out­side, soft and creamy in­sid­e, de­li­cious all around, with a lemo­ny af­ter­taste ... ok, metaphor does­n't hold that long.

In any case, thor­ough­ly en­joy­able page-­turn­ing de­li­cious­ness, ate the whole pack­age.

Miss Moriarty, I Presume? (Lady Sherlock #6)

Cover for Miss Moriarty, I Presume? (Lady Sherlock #6)


Aban­doned it :-(

This se­ries start­ed on a re­al­ly high note, but this one just did­n't click for me. No "de­tec­tive" work, and a ex­treme­ly long and arid se­quence of peo­ple go­ing around from one place to an­oth­er for no ap­par­ent rea­son broke me.

Giv­ing it two stars which I take as "not my cup of tea".

A Practical Guide to Conquering the World (The Siege, #3)

Cover for A Practical Guide to Conquering the World (The Siege, #3)


This is a cyn­i­cal se­ries. This is a cyn­i­cal book. I have to spoil the pre­vi­ous books and small parts of this one, sor­ry.

The first book tells the sto­ry how even though the city is un­der siege, in­ge­nu­ity can de­fend it.

The sec­ond book tells the sto­ry of how ac­tu­al­ly, no, the city can't be de­fend­ed, but in­ge­nu­ity can save what's im­por­tan­t, which is the peo­ple, by let­ting them es­cape the siege.

In this, the third book ... oh, well, they all died any­way, and the book is about how with in­ge­nu­ity ... FUCK IT.

Rug­pulls are lazy, and mul­ti­ple rug­pulls are lazy as FUCK

I hate my­self for en­joy­ing this book, I de­spise my­self for know­ing the au­thor was go­ing to do it again yet read­ing and pay­ing for it just be­cause I want­ed to know what hap­pened nex­t.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina