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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Legends & Lattes (Legends & Lattes, #1)

Cover for Legends & Lattes (Legends & Lattes, #1)


It's pleas­an­t.

This sto­ry of, ba­si­cal­ly, a small busi­ness-orc try­ing to get her cof­fee shop off the ground is pos­i­tive­ly de­light­ful.

Empress of Forever

Cover for Empress of Forever


Space op­er­a, but as in an opera cook­ie ... hard and crunchy in the out­side, soft and creamy in­sid­e, de­li­cious all around, with a lemo­ny af­ter­taste ... ok, metaphor does­n't hold that long.

In any case, thor­ough­ly en­joy­able page-­turn­ing de­li­cious­ness, ate the whole pack­age.

Miss Moriarty, I Presume? (Lady Sherlock #6)

Cover for Miss Moriarty, I Presume? (Lady Sherlock #6)


Aban­doned it :-(

This se­ries start­ed on a re­al­ly high note, but this one just did­n't click for me. No "de­tec­tive" work, and a ex­treme­ly long and arid se­quence of peo­ple go­ing around from one place to an­oth­er for no ap­par­ent rea­son broke me.

Giv­ing it two stars which I take as "not my cup of tea".

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina