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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

The Just City (Thessaly, #1)

Cover for The Just City (Thessaly, #1)


On­ly Jo Wal­ton can make a book about peo­ple talk­ing and in­ten­tion­al­ly not hav­ing sex so much fun.

Half the World (Shattered Sea, #2)

Cover for Half the World (Shattered Sea, #2)


Be­ing YA, it's di­lut­ed Aber­crom­bie. That's not bad, since I am not sure I could take the strong stuff (say, Red Coun­try) right now.

It's per­haps a bit too winky: fore­see­ing no man can kill some guy and car­ry­ing your fa­ther's bones in a bag around your neck are just the two most ob­vi­ous bit­s.

One oth­er thing that lit up some yel­low lights for me was that at the end it turns out to be a sort old-­fash­ioned sci­fi's com­pe­ten­cy porn sto­ry set on a fan­ta­sy world.

Still love the idea of us be­ing elves.

The Providence of Fire (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, #2)

Cover for The Providence of Fire (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, #2)


It was a rough start. I had read the first book a while ago, and, to be hon­est, did­n't re­mem­ber enough of the set­ting and char­ac­ters to make sense of what I was read­ing.

Then it all came back, and the roller­coast­er start­ed. This book has some se­ri­ous mo­tor. THINGS HAP­PEN. And then more things hap­pen. And then some more. Oth­er writ­ers would make a whole tril­o­gy with this much plot!

A lot of fun, the world build­ing goes from in­ter­est­ing to im­pres­sive. I did miss some maps to make sense of the big bat­tle, maybe it's just that the kin­dle ver­sion did­n't have them, or that I just did­n't see them.

Look­ing for­ward to #3

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina