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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina


Well, just uploaded my hacked KDE 3.1 version of PyKDE to so it should propagate to the KDE mirrors soon.

It seems to work well, even if it does­n't ex­pose ALL the KDE 3.1 API, and it should be use­ful as a stop­gap un­til the au­thors re­lease the re­al thing.

You can see a screen­shot of it here

Hey, google finds stuff!

Not on­ly can you now reach this hum­ble we­blog through ggl:lat­er­al+opin­ion (if you are us­ing KDE, of course), but a look at my re­fer­rers show that the foll­wing google search­es have got­ten the searcher here:

d-bus hav­oc (rea­son­able, I wrote about it) kde vs gnome (rea­son­able, the words are here)


Ok, I wrote kfte. But I nev­er men­tioned it here. I won­der how that worked?


Well, just be­cause I want to use KHTML in KRsN, I got the lat­est PyKDE. It says it is for KDE up to 3.0.3 ...

Well, with very min­i­mal hack­ing (delet­ing two lines in KFont­Di­alog's sip file) and a cou­ple of shoves at the, it seems to be com­pil­ing all­right on KDE 3.1.

Oh, sure, it won't ex­pose the new pieces of API in KDE 3.1, but who cares? It will work. I sup­pose I will post it some­where as soon as it does.

Network problems

Af­ter some net­work hic­cups (48 hour long hic­cup­s, too), I have In­ter­net at home again.

Man, am I pissed at the dum­b­ass­es who run ve­lo­com.­ :-P

SCO is dead. Long live Intergraph II!

SCO is be­com­ing In­ter­graph.

For those who don't know it, In­ter­graph was once a work­sta­tion mak­er.Last year they had 10M in busi­ness in­come. And 385M in law­suit in­come.

Ba­si­cal­ly the com­pa­ny sits in a few patents, does noth­ing, and milks ev­ery­one else (not that it's il­le­gal to do so).

And why I say SCO is be­com­ing in­ter­graph?

Let's look at the pos­si­ble in­come sources for SCO, shall we?

  1. SCO OpenServ­er and UnixWARE: pret­­ty much just up­­­grad­ing old server­s. That is not go­ing to pay for R&D for new ver­­sion­s, and then this dries up, be­­cause no new ver­­sion == no up­­­grades == no in­­­come. Un­­less of course, this gets sub­­si­dies from some­where else.

  2. Caldera Lin­ux == If this suit killed some­thing, this is what got whacked

  3. Li­­cen­s­ing of IP, ei­ther friend­­ly or force­­ful a.k.a the In­­ter­­graph path

  4. There is no d!

And about c)... who is go­ing to li­cense the UNIX stuff from SCO any­more? This suit means if you do it, you can NEV­ER AGAIN de­vel­op a unix sys­tem or a lin­ux sys­tem, or SCO will sue your as­s. To do that to get a tech­nol­o­gy that is not too much bet­ter than Free­BSD... it makes no sense. Spe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing there will be no R&D on it any­more (see a).

The on­ly ones with UNIX li­cens­es wil be those who got them from AT&T, and they don't pay a dime to SCO. BTW: this ba­si­cal­ly means Sun, since HP-UX and IR­IX and the rest is on their death bed any­way (and AIX... well, just think about it ;-).

So c), the on­ly vis­i­ble in­come source for SCO be­comes "We will sue peo­ple, and live on what we get out of set­tle­ments".

Be­cause SCO can't even do a GOOD In­ter­graph and ac­tu­al­ly win the law­suit­s. Not this one, and not against IB­M, at least, and they don't have a good patent port­fo­lio!

Tu put it an­oth­er way, SCO will be­come a bul­ly that will try to look im­pres­sive and steal milk mon­ey from small­er com­pa­nies. That is, they will, if IBM lets them.

If IBM caves in and set­tles, SCO will look im­pres­sive enough for this to work. Which is why I hope IBM beats the crap out of them, just to make SCO have to work to earn an hon­est buck.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina