Salió rst2pdf 0.16!
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rst2pdf es una herramienta para convertir restructured text a PDF usando reportlab en vez de LaTeX.
Se ha usado para muchas cosas desde libros a revistas, a folletos, a manuales, a sitios web y tiene muchos features:
Font embedding (TTF or Type1 fonts)
Cascading Stylesheets
Arquitectura de plugins muy flexible (permite hacer cosas como crear los encabezados en base a SVG arbitrarios!)
Integración con Sphinx.
Múltiples layouts de página
Tapas customizables via templates
Y mucho, mucho más
El cambio más grande en 0.16 es probablemente el soporte de Sphinx 1.0.x, si estás usando Sphinx esta es la versión que querés.
Aparte de eso, una tonelada de bugs arreglados, y algunos features menores.
Este es el changelog completo:
Fixed Issue 343: Plugged memory leak in the RSON parser.
Fix for Issue 287: there is still a corner case if you have two sections with the same title, at the same level, in the same page, in different files where the links will break.
Fixed Issue 367: german-localized dates are MM. DD. YYYY so when used in sphinx's template cover they appeared weird, like a list item. Fixed with a minor workaround in the template.
Fixed Issue 366: links to "#" make no sense on a PDF file
Made definitions from definition lists more stylable.
Moved definition lists to SplitTables, so you can have very long definitions.
Fixed Issue 318: Implemented Domain specific indexes for Sphinx 1.0.x
Fixed Index links when using Sphinx/pdfbuilder.
Fixed Issue 360: Set literal.wordWrap to None by default so it doesn't inherit wordWrap CJK when you use the otherwise correct japanese settings. In any case, literal blocks are not supposed to wrap at all.
Switched pdfbuilder to use SplitTables by default (it made no sense not to do it)
Fixed Issue 365: some TTF fonts don't validate but they work anyway.
Set a valid default baseurl for Sphinx (makes it much faster!)
New feature: --use-numbered-links to show section numbers in links to sections, like "See section 2.3 Termination"
Added stylesheets for landscape paper sizes (i.e:
Fixed Issue 364: Some options not respected when passed in per-doc options in sphinx.
Fixed Issue 361: multiple linebreaks in line blocks were collapsed.
Fixed Issue 363: strange characters in some cases in math directive.
Fixed Issue 362: Smarter auto-enclosing of equations in $...$
Fixed Issue 358: --real--footnotes defaults to False, but help text indicates default is True
Fixed Issue 359: Wrong --fit-background-mode help string
Fixed Issue 356: missing cells if a cell spawns rows and columns.
Fixed Issue 349: Work correctly with languages that are available in form aa_bb and not aa (example: zh_cn)
Fixed Issue 345: give file/line info when there is an error in a raw PDF directive.
Fixed Issue 336: JPEG images should work even without PIL (but give a warning because sizes will probably be wrong)
Fixed Issue 351: footnote/citation references were generated incorrectly, which caused problems if there was a citation with the same text as a heading.
Fixed Issue 353: better handling of graphviz, so that it works without vectorpdf but gives a warning about it.
Fixed Issue 354: make todo_node from sphinx customizable.
Fixed bug where nested lists broke page layout if the page was small.
Smarter --inline-links option
New extension: fancytitles, see //
New feature: tab-width option in code-block directive (defaults to 8).
Fixed Issue 340: endnotes/footnotes were not styled.
Fixed Issue 339: class names using _ were not usable.
Fixed Issue 335: ugly crash when using images in some specific places (looks like a reportlab bug)
Fixed Issue 329: make the figure alignment/class attributes work more like LaTeX than HTML.
Fixed Issue 328: list item styles were being ignored.
Fixed Issue 186: new --use-floating-images makes images with :align: set work like in HTML, with the next flowable flowing beside it.
Fixed Issue 307: header/footer from stylesheet now supports inline rest markup and substitutions defined in the main document.
New pdf_toc_depth option for Sphinx/pdfbuilder
New pdf_use_toc option for Sphinx/pdfbuilder
Fixed Issue 308: compatibility with reportlab from SVN
Fixed Issue 323: errors in the config.sample made it work weird.
Fixed Issue 322: Image substitutions didn't work in document title.
Implemented Issue 321: underline and strikethrough available in stylesheet.
Fixed Issue 317: Ugly error message when file does not exist