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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

This blog is over 9 years old.

On my lat­est dis­ap­pear­ance, this blog turned 9 years old. I start­ed it (in ad­voga­to, where you can still read it, BTW), on Jan­u­ary 17th, 2000.

It is cur­rent­ly my longest-run­ning pro­jec­t, since at the time I lived in a dif­fer­ent province, have had sev­er­al girl­friends (and a wed­ding), I had two or more job­s, start­ed one com­pa­ny, went through about 9 pres­i­dents, and of course, there's my boy Juan:


BTW: his grand­fa­ther took that pic­ture. Looks a bit dan­ger­ous, does­n't it? It prob­a­bly was. But that's ok, there's like an inch of sand in case he fel­l. I need to talk to him ;-)

All things con­sid­ered, awe­some 9 years. I need to ac­tu­al­ly re­mem­ber for the 10th aniver­sary.

Back to my own dogfood.

So, I must con­fess some­thing. I have not been us­ing uRSSus for a cou­ple of month­s. It all start­ed on my va­ca­tion­s. Since I had on­ly my eee, I ran in­to some prob­lems and was forced to use google read­er.

And it was NOT ter­ri­ble. Mind you, it was not great, ei­ther, but re­al­ly, not ter­ri­ble at al­l.

Since switch­ing RSS apps is a pain (be­cause you need to RE­AL­LY catchup on your read­ing be­fore switch­ing), it took me a long time to get back.

And now I find all sorts of prob­lems in uRSSus which I will have to fix. Which means I bet­ter start crank­ing.

Not that it looks bad, it's a hand­some pro­gram!


I don't ex­pect to do any­thing like last year's "A re­lease of some­thing ev­ery fri­day" mad­ness, but I will do some­thing.

Al­so, I need to re­write Bartle­Blog, the app that gen­er­ates this blog you are read­ing. It's bro­ken in many ways.

Back from the dead.

Yes, again, two months passed and noth­ing on the blog. What can I say, my life takes a lot of my time.

Any­way: I will try to ac­tu­al­ly write my PyQt tu­to­ri­al based on what I showed at Lati­noWare (I said "will write it in a few days". Ja!), and start push­ing things out ev­ery once in a while.

The on­ly FLOSS I did was some bug­fix­es for rst2pdf which is des­per­ate­ly need­ing a new re­lease.

Hope­ful­ly march will mean a bit more time for free soft­ware and writ­ing.

On oth­er ar­eas:

  • KDE 4.2 is re­al­­ly good. Beats 3.5 for me, like for most any­one else that was not con­vinced yet.

  • I want to try my hand at a cou­­ple of plas­­moids (yes, I do have at least one semi-o­rig­i­­nal idea)

So, see you soon, dear read­er­s. Maybe. Prob­a­bly.

Crashlander (Known Space)

Cover for Crashlander (Known Space)


It's Lar­ry Niven, you know what you're get­ting. This book col­lects the short sto­ries that fol­low Be­owulf Sha­ef­fer, the pro­tag­o­nist of Neu­tron Star, and the on­ly man to go try reach­ing the core. If you like known space you know who I am talk­ing about.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina