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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre Writing (publicaciones antiguas, página 7)

Hace tiempo que no tenía uno de estos!

  1. Un li­nk y un li­n­­do co­­­men­­ta­­rio?

  2. Lo agre­­gás a de­­l.i­­cio­­.us, y fee­­dbu­r­­ner lo mues­­tra en tus "Li­nks del día"?

  3. Co­­­piás to­­­do, in­­clu­­yen­­do el no­m­­bre del au­­to­­­r, ig­­no­­­rás su muy pe­r­­mi­­si­­va li­­cen­­cia, no ha­­cés ca­­so al pe­­di­­do de que lo arre­­gle­s, y lo eno­­­já­s?

Si ele­gis­te la op­ción 3, te vas a lle­var bár­ba­ro con es­ta per­so­na!

Technorati Profile

Nuevo feature: Versión en español!

Ya que es ge­ne­ra­do por mi pro­pio so­ftwa­re lla­ma­do Bar­tle­Blo­g, eso sig­ni­fi­ca que he de­bi­do im­ple­men­tar to­do lo ne­ce­sa­rio pa­ra que ca­da post ten­ga mul­ti­ples tra­duc­cio­nes.

Y es­tá em­pe­zan­do a fun­cio­na­r. Pue­den ver­se va­rias co­sas:

  • De­­ba­­jo del ca­r­­tel hay un "A­­vai­­la­­ble in En­­glish - Es­­pa­­ño­­­l"

  • Ca­­da Post tie­­ne li­nks a los dis­­ti­n­­tos idio­­­mas en que es­­tá dis­­po­­­ni­­ble.

La po­si­ción y es­ti­lo de esos ele­men­tos va a cam­biar y pue­den de­jar de fun­cio­nar de a ra­tos en los pr­óxi­mos día­s. Dis­cul­pa­s.

Ha­brá tam­bién un RSS "La­te­ral Opi­nion en Es­pa­ño­l" en bre­ve.

Ac­tua­li­za­do: aquí es­tá

Reddit and Digg sure work differently

Con­sid­er this:

I ex­pect­ed both sites to have more or less the same au­di­ence, and if any­thing, digg to be larg­er, thus give more votes.

Any­one has even a wild guess at the di­ver­gence?

Lateral Opinion's greatest hits

Since this blog just broke the 100K vis­i­tors bar­ri­er yes­ter­day (although it had about 150K more when it was lat­er­al.pyc­, it's a good time to re­vis­it some of the old stuff that was some­what good.

So here are (IMVHO) the best ten things I re­mem­ber writ­ing in this blog in the last 7 years.

  1. Data-aware wid­gets in PyQt

    This ar­ti­­cle de­scribes a cool (a­­gain, IMVHO) way to im­­ple­­ment DB-backed apps us­ing PyQt. It's short, work­ing code and you end be­ing able to cre­ate neat stuff. I liked it, noone else did.

  1. Be a good lamar­ck­­ian frog­­gy

    It has it al­l! Evo­lu­­tion the­o­ry (the­o­ries)! It pre­­tends to pro­­vide in­­sights in­­­to FLOSS! Movie-­crit­ic-­­like quotes in the com­­ments!

    best blog i've read in a long, long time.

    —Aaron Sei­­go

  1. Rapid Ap­­pli­­ca­­tion de­vel­op­­ment us­ing PyQt and Er­ic3 ... in re­al­­time!

    An orig­i­­nal premise, a semi-use­­ful app writ­ten, got good re­views. I still like it, but sad­­ly it's not a for­­mat that ages well, since you can't up­­­date the tu­­to­ri­al for new­er ver­­sions of PyQt.

  1. Squid au­then­ti­­ca­­tion via POP or IMAP

    It solves a re­al prob­lem, does it el­e­­gan­t­­ly, and I still am in­­stalling it.

  1. Shared: Nar­­nia, The Da Vin­­ci Code is Bro­ken., Kong at dawn, Ma­trix Rev­o­lu­­tions, Troy (not Mc­­Clure), Dou­ble fea­­ture at the Elec­tric

    I some­­times try to "re­view" movies in an odd­­ball way. Please read them if you saw the movies. I think I made sense.

  1. Skele­­tons of sto­ries that won't ev­er be writ­ten.

    I have no idea why I wrote it, but I still like it.

  1. The world cup and I

    Too sen­ti­­men­­tal, but hey, I did feel that way.

  1. Fro­­do as a Hack­­er

    The sub­­ti­­tle is "Shame­­less ex­­plo­­sion of nerdi­­tude." and it is that. I am at the same time very ashamed of writ­ing it, and rather amazed by it.

  1. The Lin­ux Boot­ing Process Un­veiled

    One of my most pop­u­lar ar­ti­­cles. It's even cit­ed as a re­f­er­ence on Lin­ux boot­ing in Wikipedi­a! (I ed­it­ed it be­­cause they had the link wrong, though). It was even copied with­­out atri­bu­­tion a cou­­ple of times.

  1. A Mod­­est Us­a­bil­i­­ty Im­prove­­ment

    Oth­­er ar­ti­­cles had more links, more views, or more com­­ments, but this ar­ti­­cle in­­spired the cre­a­tion of two new apps that are much bet­ter than what was around be­­fore I wrote it, which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy in­­sid­e. So, check it out, then use Speed­crunch or Abakus in­­stead of kcalc (or win­­cal­c).

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina