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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre Writing (publicaciones antiguas, página 3)

Son of BartleBlog IX: Eating my own dog food

Even though it's not re­al­ly ready, I am switch­ing my blog to Bartle­Blog.

The idea is that I do blog. So I should be able to fo­cus on what's need­ful for my own kind of blog. For ex­am­ple, right now, the idea of not be­ing able to tag this post is driv­ing me nut­s.

Son of bartleblog VIII: Some Qt love

Now that the back­end is still iffy but gen­er­ates a blog, I fi­nal­ly start­ed show­ing some love to the UI.

Here's the brand new post ed­i­tor:


The far-right two but­tons should let you choose your flickr pho­to/openo­my file re­spec­tive­ly and add the link/thumb­nail eas­i­ly (the UI is not done yet).

The for­mat to write is Re­struc­tured Text or HTML (non wysi­wyg) but oth­er things like Tex­tile or wi­ki markup should be easy to ad­d.

The main win­dow us­es a Qt mod­el to cre­ate the tree with views (right now) by date, but with al­ter­na­tive or­ga­ni­za­tions soon.

Son of Bartlebog VII: the nuclear test site

A lot of new fea­tures go­ing on, like openo­my based file up­load­ing and links that work like sim­ple rst di­rec­tives:

.. openomy:: my-file.ext

And you should get a link to the file, stored in the 1GB the openo­my guys kind­ly pro­vide.

Al­so, you can ac­tu­al­ly see how the test site looks at //ralsi­­blog (us­ing the ex­act same da­ta as this one).

I ac­tu­al­ly up­load al­most ev­ery change I do, so it breaks of­ten ;-)

Son of Bartleblog VI: The flickr directive

I added a Re­struc­tured Text di­rec­tive that takes as ar­gu­ment the ti­tle of one of your (my) flickr pic­tures, like this:

.. flickr:: pa120071

And pro­duces this:

Which is much nicer than my im­ages have looked for a while.

It can still be im­proved, prob­a­bly add a cap­tion, link to im­age com­ments if avail­able, etc.

The bad side is that if you don't have in­ter­net ac­cess the ren­der­ing fail­s.

Son of bartleblog 5: Menus

Added a Ya­hoo! Ui menubar gen­er­a­tor. It turns this:


In­to this:


Or this if you are us­ing links:


Or rather in­to this, which ex­plains why it's nec­es­sary (con­sid­er this is a very sim­ple menu!):

Still some miss­ing fea­tures, but a neat thingie al­ready.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina