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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Son of Bartlebog VII: the nuclear test site

A lot of new fea­tures go­ing on, like openo­my based file up­load­ing and links that work like sim­ple rst di­rec­tives:

.. openomy:: my-file.ext

And you should get a link to the file, stored in the 1GB the openo­my guys kind­ly pro­vide.

Al­so, you can ac­tu­al­ly see how the test site looks at //ralsi­­blog (us­ing the ex­act same da­ta as this one).

I ac­tu­al­ly up­load al­most ev­ery change I do, so it breaks of­ten ;-)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina