Today's two hours of hacking
Done with the main blog config dialog.
Fixed a dozen bugs
Generate the blog in a reasonable place
Fixed a lot of UI bugs (tab orders, sizes)
Still lots and lots of things to be done, tho.
Done with the main blog config dialog.
Fixed a dozen bugs
Generate the blog in a reasonable place
Fixed a lot of UI bugs (tab orders, sizes)
Still lots and lots of things to be done, tho.
It's remarkably easy to turn your QTextBrowser into a limited web browser, at least good enough to show images from the web.
Here's all the code:
from PyQt4 import QtCore,QtGui import urllib, os, md5 class PBrowser(QtGui.QTextBrowser): def loadResource(self, type, name): url=unicode(name.toString()) ret=QtCore.QVariant() if url.startswith('http://'): dn=os.path.expanduser('~/.bartleblog/cache/') if not os.path.isdir(dn): os.mkdir(dn) m.update(url) fn=os.path.join(dn,m.hexdigest()) if not os.path.isfile(fn): urllib.urlretrieve(url, fn) ret=QtGui.QTextBrowser.loadResource(self, type, QtCore.QUrl(fn)) else: ret=QtGui.QTextBrowser.loadResource(self, type, name) return ret
And here's bartleblog taking advantage of it:
It even has a primitive cache and everything ;-)
I found a couple of hours to hack, and decided to spend them on BartleBlog.
Here's what got done:
UI for blog preferences (still need to do maybe ten of these little modules).
Search for files in reasonable places (instead of using the DB in the current folder, for example).
Started work on a first-use wizard
Started working on a original and simple help system (resource files, yay! ;-).
Implemented (lamely) posting of "stories" which are static pages that are not part of the blog's flow.
I intend to spend a couple of hours on it every day for the next ten days or so. After that, who knows, maybe a release will be reasonable.
Ok, here's what I have been doing:
Daddy work. Lots of it. Fun!
Actual work. Lots of it. Fun, but not so much!
Worked a little more in RA-Flip. Play/Stop/Pause is done. The editing mode and opening/saving files is pretty much done, so it will be fully functional as soon as I can spend an afternoon in it.
Tobogan (My slideshow software). It works nicely. There are many rough spots and it needs a few features:
Some way to edit the CSS for individual slides in a nice manner. Like setting backgrounds and colours (and not much else)
A nice way to save the slideshow so it ends all in a single folder.
Many UI details
A site
BartleBlog: it has worked well for me for a long while, since I have been posting this blog using it. And really, it's a nice blog, isn't it? ;-) But of course, there is stuff to be done:
Many UI details
Decent flickr and openomy uploaders/managers
Some extra gadgets I have in mind
A site
And that's all I have in mind right now. Except maybe a graphical Befunge interpreter, but that's not really important ;-)
As a result of my playing with mootools and creating powerpoint-style slideshows on webpages from restructured text, I am pretty much decided about turning this into a standalone, real application.
I am doing a PyQt4 frontend, and restructured text addons to generate the slides.
The native file format is restructured text itself, and it supports basic transitions between slides.
It still needs a ton of work, but here is a video showing how it looks after a couple of days hacking. You can see the current UI, a document's source, and a demonstration using firefox (only because Konqy doesn't suppose opacity, the rest of the transitions work even better on Konqueror)
It's Ogg/Theora and 3MB (thanks!): the video