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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Giving BartleBlog the push it needs

I found a cou­ple of hours to hack, and de­cid­ed to spend them on Bartle­Blog.

Here's what got done:

  • UI for blog pre­f­er­ences (still need to do maybe ten of these lit­­tle mod­­ules).

  • Search for files in rea­­son­able places (in­stead of us­ing the DB in the cur­rent fold­er, for ex­am­­ple).

  • Start­ed work on a first-use wiz­­ard

  • Start­ed work­ing on a orig­i­­nal and sim­­ple help sys­tem (re­­source files, yay! ;-).

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed (lame­­ly) post­ing of "s­­to­ries" which are stat­ic pages that are not part of the blog's flow.

I in­tend to spend a cou­ple of hours on it ev­ery day for the next ten days or so. Af­ter that, who knows, maybe a re­lease will be rea­son­able.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina