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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre programming (publicaciones antiguas, página 1)


My Internet connection is very flaky right now (damn you, Velocom!), so working in KRsN is just no fun.

There­fore, I di­vert­ed some of the pro­gram­ming en­er­gy to­wards an old pro­jec­t, called Uqbar.

You can see a cou­ple of screen­shots here

Moving to SQLite

The python shelve mod­ule is too lim­it­ing for the data­base needs of KRsN, so I'm mov­ing it to SQLite and PySQLite.

While this adds an­oth­er de­pen­den­cy, it's a small one, and the cod­ing be­comes way sim­pler. So, I'm do­ing it, be­cause fight­ing against the tools is fool­ish, and shelve was not do­ing it with­out a fight :-)

Some programming

I just committed changes that make KFTE work on KDE 3.1

For any­one who likes FTE, a tra­di­tion­al pro­gram­mer's ed­i­tor from OS­/2 (and DOS, and Mac, and X, and lin­ux con­sole, and pret­ty much ev­ery­where :-), this ver­sion pro­vides a pure Qt and a KDE ver­sion.

While KFTE will prob­a­bly nev­er be­come a full KDE ap­pli­ca­tion (it does­n't sup­port stan­dard short­cut­s, for ex­am­ple), it is a cool ed­i­tor, and one you can use ev­ery­where.

Right now, the way to get it is through KDE's CVS, mod­ule kfte, in­struc­tions for KDE's cur­rent sources here

What I am writing

Well, if you are one of the 6 who ac­tu­al­ly checked the link in the pre­vi­ous en­try, you will know I am writ­ing a news ag­gre­ga­tor ;-)

It is pro­gress­ing quick­ly. Now it is al­most a re­al ap­pli­ca­tion, and on­ly 3 or 4 im­por­tant fea­tures are still miss­ing.

The on­ly thing I wish is that there was a KDE 3.1 python bind­ing, since I would need it to use KHTML :-(

Qt's QTextBrows­er is nice, but it is not a HTML ren­der­ing en­gine, and it would give it a nice in­te­grat­ed feel. Ok, even­tu­al­ly PyKDE 3.1 will come out, I sup­pose :-)

PS: if you fol­low the Pic­tures link on the left side, you can see a new screen­shot!

Advogato post for 2001-03-26 14:15:58

Well, 6 months without posting an entry.

I must con­fess I was pret­ty pissed at some peo­ple around here at the time (note to self: maybe putting my re­al email ad­dress here is not such a good idea. Some peo­ple are re­al­ly scary).

I have been a nul­li­ty when it comes to cod­ing, I have de­clared KRN dead (and since sup­port for KDE 1.x is wan­ing, that's a good thing :-P)

How­ev­er, I have had some re­cent events that make me think I may still have an app in­side me try­ing to get out. More news on that to­mor­row, hope­ful­ly.

I cer­ti­fied Taj (did­n't knew you had a di­ary here, friend!) as mas­ter, be­cause, of course, he is one.

Af­ter read­ing his di­ary, I chuck­le re­mem­ber­ing how I in­tro­duced him to python ;-)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina