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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre goodreads (publicaciones antiguas, página 111)

Siege Perilous (Foreworld, #5)

Cover for Siege Perilous (Foreworld, #5)


And so it end­s. The Mon­go­li­ad, then re­named "Fore­world Saga" which start­ed with such prom­ise ends with a whim­per, in a stretched-out al­most plot­less nub­bin of a book, and then clos­es the sto­ry with a piff like the flac­cid fart of an old nun.

Out on Blue Six

Cover for Out on Blue Six


Had a bit of a hard time fin­ish­ing the book. At a cer­tain point around 2/3rds of the way in the lan­guage got just too flow­ery and psy­chodel­ic.

In any case, it's pret­ty good!

The Bone Clocks

Cover for The Bone Clocks


So good.

The au­thor has a great ear for the tone of a time and place. The end is pret­ty heart­break­ing.

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