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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre goodreads (publicaciones antiguas, página 110)

The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. (D.O.D.O. #1)

Cover for The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. (D.O.D.O. #1)


Best Stephen­son in years.

Looks like hav­ing Nicole Gal­land as a co-au­thor has done won­der­s.

Plot is tighter, writ­ing is even, and the book even has an end­ing! Yes, an ac­tu­al end­ing!

So this is prob­a­bly more of a Gal­land book? I need to read more of what she has writ­ten.

Votan and Other Novels (FANTASY MASTERWORKS)

Cover for Votan and Other Novels (FANTASY MASTERWORKS)


This is a good book, and a long book. It's three book­s, which are pret­ty dif­fer­en­t, and I am not sure the idea of group­ing them was *great* but hey, it work­s.

I got to it via a rec­om­men­da­tion by Neil Gaiman, and the first two are a lot of fun.

The third one ... is not. It's good, in a to­tal­ly dif­fer­ent way, and I feel hap­py to have read it even though it was so ... un­pleas­ant to read? It made me feel un­pleas­ant things a lot of the time? But that's ok.

The Plastic Magician (The Paper Magician, #4)

Cover for The Plastic Magician (The Paper Magician, #4)


A short and light read, in the same world as the pa­per ma­gi­cian and its se­quel­s, but not con­nect­ed to that sto­ry.

Some­times you want some­thing chal­leng­ing. Some­times a light, airy thing is good.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina