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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Wolf Moon (Luna #2)

Cover for Wolf Moon (Luna #2)


The first book in this se­ries (former duol­o­gy, now tril­o­gy, gr­rr) is an abrupt change of tone from the first one. When Lu­na was a fire­hose of world build­ing, Wolf Moon is heavy with char­ac­ter­s, while still push­ing enough plot for five song of ice and fire book­s.

Loved it.

Creating Languages For Dummies


I don't have the usu­al pro­gram­mer's ed­u­ca­tion. I stud­ied math­s, and then dropped out of that, and am most­ly self­-­taugh­t. So, there are some parts of pro­gram­ming I al­ways saw weari­ly, think­ing to my­self that I re­al­ly should go to school to learn them. One re­mark­able such area is pars­ing and im­ple­ment­ing lan­guages.

Well... sure, school is al­ways a good idea, but this is not that hard. In this ar­ti­cle I will ex­plain how to go from noth­ing to a func­tion­ing, ex­ten­si­ble lan­guage, us­ing Python and Py­Pars­ing. If you are as scared of gram­mars, parsers and all that jazz as I used to be, come along, it's pret­ty sim­ple,

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The Shining Girls

Cover for The Shining Girls


A heart­break­ing book, with some of the most orig­i­nal and com­pli­cat­ed time trav­el­ing mech­a­nism I have seen.

Cold Counsel

Cover for Cold Counsel


A fun sto­ry that plays with cliché in an in­ter­est­ing way.

Contents © 2000-2023 Roberto Alsina