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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Why I use Arch Linux

I have been an Arch Lin­ux for a while now, and I am still lik­ing it.

Here's the good side of it:

  • It's small (one CD)

  • It's sim­­ple (it comes with very lit­tle)

  • It has a de­­cent pack­­age se­lec­­tion (if you con­sid­er AUR, more about that lat­er)

  • It us­es pret­­ty much un­­patched up­­stream soft­­ware

  • It's a bi­­na­ry dis­­tro (ex­­cept for AUR. Again, more about it lat­er)

  • It's pret­­ty sta­ble (no crash­es I can re­mem­ber)

  • It has rolling re­leas­es (un­­like, say, Fe­­do­ra or De­bian)

  • It's easy to keep up­­­dat­ed (like all of them nowa­­days)

  • It's not ide­o­log­i­­cal­­ly dog­­mat­ic, but prag­­mat­ic (yes, there are NVidia driver­s, and test-­­drive games, and what­ev­er)

  • It does­n't seem to be a one-guy joint

And the bad side:

  • Up­­­dates some­­times break things (about twice a year)

  • Ad­min tools are be­tween un­ex­is­­tant and dis­­join­t­ed

And of course, there is the very very good side: AUR

AUR is a co­mu­ni­ty repos­i­to­ry. And there is a rather large com­mu­ni­ty. And pack­ag­ing things for Arch is so easy, and putting things in AUR is so sim­ple, even I find time to con­trib­ute (my pack­ages).

And it's a calm com­mu­ni­ty, and pret­ty much, in­stead of com­pil­ing my ran­dom un­known pack­ages for my­self, I save the steps to build them and stick them in a PKG­BUILD and up­load them. Takes two min­utes for most things.

It's a throw­back to the old days of Lin­ux: qui­et, com­pe­tent (or learn­ing) peo­ple do­ing things, shar­ing, you use them, you give back­... I had not felt that way with a dis­tro for years.

No, you don't understand... this site is not impopular, it's ELITE!

Ac­cord­ing to Alex­a.­com this site (//ralsi­ is the 682768th most pop­u­lar site in the in­ter­net this week.

Al­so, it's the 50998th most pop­u­lar site in Ar­genti­na and most supris­ing­ly.... the 10180th most pop­u­lar site in Slove­ni­a!

In fac­t, a whole 18.5% of my read­ers come from Slove­ni­a. Which is not sur­pris­ing. It's stun­ning!

I here­by salute all my slove­ni­an read­ers and de­clare my­self a Beno Udrih fan.

All the da­ta.

Ig­nore this link be­low, please.

Technorati Profile

Small software released: RA-WebPass

I just re­leased a wee piece of soft­ware, called RA-Web­Pass which is sim­ply a web­page that you can use to change lin­ux sys­tem pass­word­s.

Ba­si­cal­ly, I wrote it to­day out of my frus­tra­tion with cus­tomers ask­ing me "how can I change the pass­word for the FTP server". Ok, this is how you can.

It's sim­ple and does­n't have too many de­pen­den­cies, so it should be rather se­cure, but don't trust me on that, and you need to run it as root, so be very very care­ful.

RA-Web­Pass home page

On a re­lat­ed note: it's quite sat­is­fy­ing to write some­thing in two hours and just re­lease it :-)

CSS/HTML guru advice needed!

Ok, I give up. I need help.

The mag­i­cal some­times-it-­work­s-on-IE-­some­times-­does­n't over­flow:au­to CSS prop­er­ty has kicked my but­t.

It worked un­til a while ago, and now it does­n't.

Can any­one tell me why the grey pre­for­mat­ted thing here has scroll­bars on Fire­fox and Kon­queror, but not on IE?

In the past, I thought that was be­cause it did­n't work in­side ta­bles, but now there are no ta­bles in the lay­out.

So, I am clue­less :-(

UP­DATE Thanks for all the sug­ges­tion­s, it kin­da works now :-)

Spiderman 3 on IMAX

That's the way those movies are meant to be seen.

On mon­day I had my first IMAX ex­pe­ri­ence (the first IMAX in Ar­genti­na opened not long ago).

The rum­ble in my guts in the first big ac­tion scene... hav­ing to move the head to fol­low the ac­tion on the last one... re­al­ly an in­tense cin­e­mat­ic ex­pe­ri­ence.

I liked the sec­ond movie bet­ter, and ev­ery­one seemed a bit tired of their roles, but a fun movie.

If you are go­ing to do pop­corn, you bet­ter do great pop­corn, and that's what Rai­mi does.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina