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Spiderman 3 on IMAX

That's the way those movies are meant to be seen.

On mon­day I had my first IMAX ex­pe­ri­ence (the first IMAX in Ar­genti­na opened not long ago).

The rum­ble in my guts in the first big ac­tion scene... hav­ing to move the head to fol­low the ac­tion on the last one... re­al­ly an in­tense cin­e­mat­ic ex­pe­ri­ence.

I liked the sec­ond movie bet­ter, and ev­ery­one seemed a bit tired of their roles, but a fun movie.

If you are go­ing to do pop­corn, you bet­ter do great pop­corn, and that's what Rai­mi does.

Kunuku / 2007-05-18 08:18:

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