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Posts about python (old posts, page 1)


Well, just be­cause I want to use KHTML in KRsN, I got the lat­est PyKDE. It says it is for KDE up to 3.0.3 ...

Well, with very min­i­mal hack­ing (delet­ing two lines in KFont­Di­alog's sip file) and a cou­ple of shoves at the, it seems to be com­pil­ing all­right on KDE 3.1.

Oh, sure, it won't ex­pose the new pieces of API in KDE 3.1, but who cares? It will work. I sup­pose I will post it some­where as soon as it does.

What I am writing

Well, if you are one of the 6 who ac­tu­al­ly checked the link in the pre­vi­ous en­try, you will know I am writ­ing a news ag­gre­ga­tor ;-)

It is pro­gress­ing quick­ly. Now it is al­most a re­al ap­pli­ca­tion, and on­ly 3 or 4 im­por­tant fea­tures are still miss­ing.

The on­ly thing I wish is that there was a KDE 3.1 python bind­ing, since I would need it to use KHTML :-(

Qt's QTextBrows­er is nice, but it is not a HTML ren­der­ing en­gine, and it would give it a nice in­te­grat­ed feel. Ok, even­tu­al­ly PyKDE 3.1 will come out, I sup­pose :-)

PS: if you fol­low the Pic­tures link on the left side, you can see a new screen­shot!

PyQt is incredible

Just that. Click in the ti­tle for de­tails and a screen­shot.

In the beginning

Well, I have been want­ing to have a we­blog for a while, spe­cial­ly since I got a per­ma­nent In­ter­net con­nec­tion at home.

Af­ter re­view­ing some of the freely avail­able tool­s, PyC­S/PyDS re­al­ly look like the best com­bi­na­tion. They are sim­ple, yet pow­er­ful. I could even set a per­son­al serv­er to try stuff, and there's free space at pyc­ What else could I ask for?

Even fur­ther, I think the struc­ture and APIs are nice, so I may try hack­ing a quick­ie Qt app for it, since I al­so want to try the PyQt bind­ings and the er­ic3 IDE...

Advogato post for 2001-03-26 14:15:58

Well, 6 months without posting an entry.

I must con­fess I was pret­ty pissed at some peo­ple around here at the time (note to self: maybe putting my re­al email ad­dress here is not such a good idea. Some peo­ple are re­al­ly scary).

I have been a nul­li­ty when it comes to cod­ing, I have de­clared KRN dead (and since sup­port for KDE 1.x is wan­ing, that's a good thing :-P)

How­ev­er, I have had some re­cent events that make me think I may still have an app in­side me try­ing to get out. More news on that to­mor­row, hope­ful­ly.

I cer­ti­fied Taj (did­n't knew you had a di­ary here, friend!) as mas­ter, be­cause, of course, he is one.

Af­ter read­ing his di­ary, I chuck­le re­mem­ber­ing how I in­tro­duced him to python ;-)

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