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Posts about programming (old posts, page 36)

Urssus: July 30th (way too late). Now with users!

At least three peo­ple have tried urssus (in­clud­ing me ;-) and over 80 have down­load­ed it. The two that told me any­thing say it's a nice ap­p.

I hope it keeps im­prov­ing.

Right now, it has about a dozen less bugs (or more fea­tures) thanks to the is­sue re­ports by vgar­vardt!

Urssus: July 30th (way too early). new feature - twitter!

I have a twit­ter ac­coun­t. I nev­er found a use for it.

Now I have one. I will post there what­ev­er in­ter­est­ing thing I find. Just right-click, "Post to Twit­ter" and voilá:


Here you can see the win­dow, which is filled au­to­mat­i­cal­ly with the post ti­tle and URL (made tiny, 140 chars is not much!), with the clas­sic char count­down.

Al­so in the back­ground, some news and my twit­ter ac­coun­t.

BTW: Uwe was awe­some.

Hello, future Roberto, here's a hand!

So, I need­ed a python script to cre­ate tinyurl­s. Google gets me here where cred­it is giv­en to this guy. Of course that guy's so­lu­tion is a bit bro­ken, check the com­ments ;-)

Urssus: July 29th - Moo till it's done

I may have got­ten a bit car­ried away with mootool­s: Com­bined view now has an ac­cor­dion-­like thing google-read­er style.


Not too pret­ty, but pret­ty's not my thing.

Urssus: July 29th - An original feature, at last (with screenshot)

Tired of chas­ing af­ter oth­er pro­gram's fea­tures, I took a de­tour on the orig­i­nal fea­ture road: the com­bined view is now much nicer than Akre­ga­tor's.

Why? Be­cause you can use it and still flag in­di­vid­u­al ar­ti­cles as read­/un­read­/im­por­tan­t.

Us­ing a tiny bit of mootools and some rudi­men­ta­ry javascrip­t, plus a wee Ten­jin tem­plate ef­fort...


And yes, the "but­ton­s" ap­pear and dis­ap­pear as need­ed, and up­date the GUI just like they should.

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