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Posts about nikola (old posts, page 17)

Nikola Logo Contest!

So you have de­sign skill­s? Want to make a lit­tle mon­ey while do­ing a good thing? Then join the con­test! there is a 200 US dol­lars guar­an­teed prize, and the con­test will be judged by a group of Niko­la de­vel­op­er­s.

Some guid­ance:

  • The name Niko­la comes from Niko­la Tes­la, so think con­­cepts con­nec­t­ed to that

    • The War­­­den­­­clyffe tow­er

    • Tes­la Coils

    • Light­n­ing

    • Elec­tric­i­­­ty

    • Ear­­­ly 20th cen­­­tu­ry

  • I hope the lo­­go works well in a va­ri­e­ty of for­­mats so, keep it sim­­ple. B/W is good.

  • A draw­ing with­­out the word Niko­la is good, but a good de­sign with the word in it could be good al­­so.

The con­test lasts a week, you have 4 days for the qual­i­fy­ing round.

And re­mem­ber: it has to be bet­ter than these

Nikola is now more compatible with Sphinx

Some­times, you need to use the same text in more than one place. For ex­am­ple, you may want to use frag­ments of your soft­ware man­u­als in your soft­ware's site.

If you are part of the Python-­verse then it's like­ly that your docs are writ­ten us­ing Sphinx. Ǹiko­la and Sphinx share roots in re­Struc­tured­Text so they are al­ready com­pat­i­ble in many im­por­tant ways.

How­ev­er, Sphinx adds a whole bunch of ex­ten­sions to re­Struc­tured­Text and Sphinx users use them. So, what's a dev to do? He'll write code. So I wrote a niko­la plug­in which adds sup­port for a large chunk of the Sphinx-spe­cif­ic markup.

How big a chunk? Quite big since it adds sup­port for over 35 ex­ten­sion­s, roles and di­rec­tives (no, toc­tree is not one of them yet).

This way, you may be able to en­joy a good doc­u­men­ta­tion-spe­cif­ic tool and a (if I may say so my­self) good web­site tool from com­mon sources.


Preview of Nikola Webapp

I have al­ready made a few at­tempts at turn­ing Niko­la, a stat­ic site and blog gen­er­a­tor in­to a we­bap­p, with var­ied suc­cess. One of the big­ger prob­lems was, I think, one of scale. I was think­ing of some­thing to re­place http://­word­press.­com ... some­thing where ev­ery­one could host his own blog in very low cost in­fra­struc­ture.

But then again... why not try to re­place all those self­-host­ed word­press in­stances out there? So, here's the we­bapp plug­in!

It's very ear­ly stages, no sup­port for pages, on­ly sup­ports mark­down, no con­fig­u­ra­tion changes, and you can't even re­al­ly delete things. But hey, you can post, which is 95% of the us­age this will get.

UP­DATE: if you are run­ning Niko­la from github mas­ter, you can in­stall this us­ing the plug­ins re­po: http://­plu­g­in­s.get­niko­la.­com/#we­bapp and it sup­ports a lot more than on the video above.

Nikola v6.1.0 is out!

I am hap­py to an­nounce ver­sion 6.1.0 of Niko­la, a stat­ic blog/site gen­er­a­tor is out at the usu­al place in­clud­ing down­load­able plu­g­in­s, bug­fix­es, an­no­ta­tion­s, a new Es­peran­to trans­la­tion and more!

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