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Posts about kde (old posts, page 6)

Nice side effect

Looks like the kind fel­lows at kde-red­hat.s­ have a work­ing PyKDE, and I got it while I was up­grad­ing.

That's use­ful be­cause I re­al­ly want­ed to hack some in­to KrSN (the RSS ag­gre­ga­tor tool I once wrote), and it needs PyKDE.

I had­n't done it be­cause build­ing PyKDE on a PI­I, 233MHZ, 128MB of RAM (the on­ly one I have on the In­ter­net) is re­al­ly NOT fun. But once I got it on RP­M, us­ing it works just fine :-)

Writing YAT

Yet An­oth­er Tu­to­ri­al. This time, it should be about writ­ing apps for KDE that re­ly on DBs to han­dle their da­ta.

This is most­ly be­cause of the re­ac­tions to my pro­pos­al to in­clude qsqlite in kdelib­s.

Maybe se­ing that the code is sim­ple will help make it seem use­ful.


Since KRecipes seems to be using QSQLite without much trouble, it seems the nice guys who adopted it have fixed it enough to work.

So, I just sent a pro­pos­al to kde-­core-de­v­el to in­clude it some­where vis­i­ble, and thus en­cour­age peo­ple to use DBs in their app­s. Let's see how it turns out.

KRsN now available

Sadly, not a really usable version, but I got sidetracked by PyKDE and KFTE first. KRsN really needs just a couple of days loving.

So, if you RE­AL­LY RE­AL­LY want to try it, get >PyQt for Qt 3.1 work­ing, and then head for KRsN's source­forge page, and get it via CVS

You will al­so need Strip-o-­Gram,

Flaws right now:

  • The feed list does­n't up­date right
  • It does­n't tell read from un­read
  • New items re­place old­er ones in­stead of ap­pend­ing to them
  • New feed adding is slow­er than it should
  • Some­times, it gets RE­AL busy on start­up
Please report bugs, feature requests, etc. You can even subscribe to a RSS feed about KRsN!

Some programming

I just committed changes that make KFTE work on KDE 3.1

For any­one who likes FTE, a tra­di­tion­al pro­gram­mer's ed­i­tor from OS­/2 (and DOS, and Mac, and X, and lin­ux con­sole, and pret­ty much ev­ery­where :-), this ver­sion pro­vides a pure Qt and a KDE ver­sion.

While KFTE will prob­a­bly nev­er be­come a full KDE ap­pli­ca­tion (it does­n't sup­port stan­dard short­cut­s, for ex­am­ple), it is a cool ed­i­tor, and one you can use ev­ery­where.

Right now, the way to get it is through KDE's CVS, mod­ule kfte, in­struc­tions for KDE's cur­rent sources here

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina