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Posts about books (old posts, page 96)

Red Hope (Red Hope, #1)

Cover for Red Hope (Red Hope, #1)


This book pro­pos­es an an­swer to a ques­tion I nev­er heard asked: how would a NASA mars mis­sion go if ev­ery­one was ei­ther in­com­pe­tent or a rag­ing ass­hole?

An­swer is: not very well.

Al­so: au­thor, if you have a rock­et en­g­ing that can make a cap­sule hov­er for a week, then you have a rock­et en­gine that can put a cap­sule in or­bit a dozen times over, and the whole tech­ni­cal side of the sto­ry breaks down, sor­ry, the amount of delta-v to reach mars in a month is (tech­ni­cal ter­m) a gazil­lion times the amount you need to reach low earth or­bit.

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