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Posts about books (old posts, page 113)

The Menace from Farside

Cover for The Menace from Farside


Of course it's not at the same lev­el as the Lu­na tril­o­gy but a nice way to re­vis­it the place.

Magic for Beginners

Cover for Magic for Beginners


Kept this in my "cur­rent­ly read­ing" shelf for sev­en years, be­cause I could not ad­mit I was done with it. I would open if once in a while and reread any of the per­fect sto­ries in it.

The Menace from Farside (Luna)

Cover for The Menace from Farside (Luna)


Of course it's not at the same lev­el as the Lu­na tril­o­gy but a nice way to re­vis­it the place.

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