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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Posts about books (old posts, page 112)

Necessity (Thessaly, #3)

Cover for Necessity (Thessaly, #3)



It breaks my heart to not be able to live this, it does. It's ex­cel­len­t, and that is a load­ed word here. Read this tril­o­gy, please.


Moon Rising (Luna #3)

Cover for Moon Rising (Luna #3)


Awe­some con­clu­sion to my favourite tril­o­gy of the past few years. You will prob­a­bly en­joy this more if you read the three books back­-­to-back­-­to-back since I had kin­da for­got­ten about some of the mi­nor char­ac­ters :-)

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