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A week ago, I took a de­ci­sion I had not seen com­ing. I shut down com­ments on this blog un­less the post was tech­ni­cal. Be­cause I could not stand some of the com­ments any­more. I said "com­ments down for a mon­th, and then I'll see if I miss them".

Well, so far I don't, as you can see by this post hav­ing com­ments dis­abled.

To­day, I am re­mov­ing the com­ment track of my life. I an shut­ting down my twit­ter ac­coun­t. Some au­to­mat­ic posts will go out, but I am not read­ing it and am not no­ti­fied of any­thing. Again, it's "twit­ter down for a mon­th, and then I'll see if I miss it΅.

Hope­ful­ly I will not.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina