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The Scar (New Crobuzon, #2)

Cover for The Scar (New Crobuzon, #2)


I did­n't know there were oth­er New Crobu­zon books oth­er than Per­di­do Street Sta­tion, which I re­al­ly en­joyed, so this was a very pleas­ant sur­prise.

I did­n't like it *quite* as much as Per­di­do Street Sta­tion, but that's just be­cause I liked that oth­er one so much.

Grip­ping world build­ing, nice plot, too. The char­ac­ters are maybe a lit­tle too on the "mis­te­ri­ous stranger" style, but hey, it's Chi­na Mieville so that was to be ex­pect­ed.

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