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PyDay Luján 5/5/2012

This sat­ur­day I at­tend­ed Py­day Lu­ján. I don't know if oth­er places have such things as Py­Days, so here's a brief sum­ma­ry:

  1. It is a day-­­long event

  2. It usu­al­­ly takes place in a uni­ver­si­­ty

  3. It has one or two tracks

  4. It's about python

  5. It's fun

This time, it took place at the Uni­ver­si­dad Na­cional de Lu­ján which is a bi­i­i­i­it too far from my home:

View Larger Map

Luck­i­ly Fa­cun­do Batista was go­ing, and he's a driver, not a pedes­tri­an, and took me there.

I was to speak about "Do­ing one thing and do­ing it right". These are the bor­ing slides:

I you don't see them up there, go here.

I re­al­ly, re­al­ly want­ed to record this. But I failed. So, com­bin­ing that with my re­luc­tance about re­peat­ing my­self, it means this thing will on­ly ev­er be seen by those who were there last sat­ur­day.

Great fun was had, an un­wise num­ber of chori­panes was eat­en, and lots of in­ter­est­ing con­ver­sa­tions oc­cured.

Hope­ful­ly soon­ish there will be some pic­tures, too (although I did not take any).

So, thanks to Yami­la and the rest of the Lu­ján or­ga­niz­er­s!

Pablo2M / 2012-05-07 17:40:

Uh que lastima que no salio la grabación, Suerte que fui :-).
El link a los slide brilla por su ausencia

Roberto Alsina / 2012-05-07 17:43:

Deberias ver un bonito cuadrado con los slides adentro ;-)

Pablo2M / 2012-05-07 18:00:

Ahora si lo veo, capaz que con la velocidad a la que andan speedy no se habia cargado ;-)

Pablo2M / 2012-05-07 20:41:

Hoy me paso algo raro pero no logro repetirlo, luego de comentar en disqus y no se que mas el texto cambio de idioma

Roberto Alsina / 2012-05-07 21:06:

El texto de mi post? Bueno, está en dos idiomas ;-)

Si seguis el link que te da disqus en el mail, vas siempre a la version en inglés.

Pablo2M / 2012-05-07 21:21:

Capaz que fue eso

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