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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

PyCamp Day 1

Go­ing to sleep, so here's a quick run­down of my 1st day at Py­cam­p:

  • Woke up at 6AM, and af­ter tak­ing train­s, bus­es and au­­to­­mo­­biles, ar­rived around noon. Place is nice, wheather is cold. Beds are bunks.

  • Pre­sen­t­ed ideas, vot­ed work­ing slots

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed a Niko­la fea­­ture to get themes from http://­­bootswatch.­­com

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed first draft of pipe­­lines for post-pro­cess­ing gen­er­at­ed files

  • Martín Gaitán is work­ing on im­prov­ing the im­age gal­­leries

  • Hugo Rus­c­it­ti is do­ing some cel­ery+flask mag­ic to cre­ate a Niko­la host­ing ser­vice

  • Had fun with lots of oth­­er things and talk­ing with a lot of peo­­ple.

  • Played some ta­ble ten­­nis (won 1, lost 1)

  • Got a fire­­fox t-shirt

  • Got a Nin­­ja-IDE mug that changes colour with tem­per­a­­ture.

Now, ex­haust­ed, go­ing to bed.

Pablo2M / 2012-07-07 22:00:

Estaba pensando que un agregado interesante seria el poder poner cuando se maximiza una foto en la galeria un cuadro para comentarios (con disqus) tipo G+

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