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Nikola v5 Released

A new ver­sion of Niko­la is out! You can get it at the usu­al place.

This ver­sion is not com­plete­ly back­wards com­pat­i­ble, thus the new ma­jor ver­sion num­ber, but switch­ing to it should be easy-ish. If you are us­ing ver­sion 4.0.3:

  1. Re­­move your do­­

  2. Use niko­la build in­stead of doit from now on

  3. use niko­la serve in­stead of doit serve, niko­la new_­post in­stead of doit new_­post, and so on. Some oth­er doit task are al­so con­vert­ed in­to niko­la com­mand you can get the list us­ing niko­la help

The in­te­gra­tion of doit in­to Niko­la is not done in a very nice way, that's still on­go­ing work, but it should be Good Enough To Work (T­M).

Hope you en­joy this re­lease!


  • Tem­­plates now know their name from tem­­plate_­­name in their con­­tex­t.

  • Made most of Niko­la in­­­to Yap­sy plug­in­s.

  • Re­curse gal­­leries/ and ren­der each fold­er as a gallery.

  • Bread­­crumbs and fold­er links in im­age gal­­leries.


  • Fixed doc in­­stal­la­­tion

  • Put we­bas­sets cache in cache/we­bas­sets

  • Up­­­date to doit 0.17

  • Don't crash on in­­­com­­plete tran­s­la­­tions

  • Fixed Is­­sue 160: ren­der_­­tags did­n't call scan_­­post­s()

  • Fixed Is­­sue 161: we­bas­sets set­t­ing USE_BUN­­DLES was ig­nored (fix by schet­ti­no72)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 153: in­­dex.txt was be­ing ig­nored in gal­­leries.

Damjan / 2012-12-04 01:56:

why don't you publish it on pypi?

Roberto Alsina / 2012-12-04 10:28:

It's a bit of a hassle. I will today.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina