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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Nikola Themes Repo is Now Official

As of 1 minute ago, Niko­la github mas­ter's "in­stal­l_the­me" com­mand pulls themes from http://themes.niko­la.ralsi­

So, sud­den­ly, in­stead of 2 themes for down­load, you have ~65 (although of course, most of them are bootswatch vari­a­tions in 2 themes, jin­ja-de­fault looks ex­act­ly like de­fault, and or­phan is use­less ;-)

And you can con­trib­ute themes now!


  1. Give me a pull re­quest at http­s://github.­­com/get­niko­la/niko­la-themes

    All you have to do is add your theme in themes/ and pull re­quest.

  2. Send me a zip of your theme and I'll do it.

Con­tribut­ing themes will take a while be­cause the theme has to be ex­am­ined for ma­li­cious code in the tem­plates, but I will process them, slow­ly but sure­ly. If you have sent me a theme in the past and I have not done it, I am ter­ri­bly sor­ry and hope you can find it in you to try one more time :-)

The themes site it­self is not ex­act­ly awe­some, but it is func­tion­al, and you can get themes from there too, and see de­mo sites for each the­me, and even look at au­to­gen­er­at­ed screen­shots (which sad­ly don't show web­fonts)

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