Nikola Plans
English only!
I have not stopped working on Nikola, my static site generator. Here are the plans:
Finish the theme installer (so you can get a theme from the site easily)
Implement a theme gallery on the site (same purpose)
Fix a couple of bugs
Update manual
Polish a few theme bits
Release version 3.x (new major number because it requires manual migration)
After that, I will push on projects Shoreham (hosted sites) and Smiljan (planet generator) and make them more public. Shoreham will become a real web app for those who don't want to have their own server. For free, hopefully!
Once I have that, I have no further feature ideas, really. So I need more people to start using it, and that means I have to start announcing it more.
So, stay tuned for version 3.x sometime next week.
Post-Nikola, I will do a rst2pdf release, and then will get back to work on a book.
Shoreham was Alva or am I lost?
Shoreham is "upload stuf via Ubuntu One, it appears", Alva is "edit via a website, it appears". Complementary stuff :-)
I will replace my Wordpress install with RST based. Actually I had asked about something like Nikola before, and it didn't seem to really exist at the time. I was so happy when you announced it.
Obviously, the thing that makes me wonder, is how to migrate. I am probably going to make a hard cut though, and simply
do it the "easy" way, converting old posts to rst manually. It's not _that_ much, and for my changelog, the release announcements of
my Python compiler, it's already done.
I am just too much in love with RST. The "rst2pdf" of yours did that to me. And Nikola even more.
Only drawback I see, I am clearly going to miss the comments owned by myself. I will checkout Disqus, but I was e.g. proud to not
host "Like" buttons so far.
If you have the posts as HTML, then you can just indent them and stick a ".. raw:: html" in the first line (or I can do a html "compiler" that just copies stuff).
I think you cna disable the "like" buttons in disqus, and the ones in the template are easy to remove (they are just in base.tmpl)
Ah ok, I misunderstood that the Disqus comments brought those with them, if that's not the case, yeah, easy enough. :-)
Kay, I migrate my old Wordpress blog to Nikola (, and for that I wrote this script:
For the comments I saw that disqus let you import Wordpress comments.
That's great, thank you for the pointer. The script is shockingly short. But even more welcome.
There is also from Brandon Meister
Ah, I see, Nikola is even a known output format. I am btw also annoyed by JavaScript driven syntax highlighting, and want to get rid of it. That seems to cut it quite fine.
Which branch do you recommend me to use? I wouldn't be shy to contribute minor improvements, but I didn't get which branch is what. So I am currently using "master" out of lack of documentation.
In nikola I would use master. In quodlibetor's code, I would ask him :-)